
Fish sinking Learn more about Fish sinking

  • Wu Yingxiang's comments on Fish Fish

    Wu Yingxiang's comments on Fish Fish

    This flower was picked out from Yongkanglan City in 2004 and bought from a Jinyun orchid farmer. After reflowering, he participated in the Hangzhou Orchid Exhibition and won a silver prize. Because of the color Cui, the flower race Cui Cui, so the name of Mr. Yao Yiping-- Cui Baoyu. Narcissus boutique, soft pocket, color green, scape high.

  • What happens when the fish sinks to the bottom?

    What happens when the fish sinks to the bottom?

    Fish are ornamental not only because of their gorgeous appearance, but also because of their dynamic beauty, but sometimes they lie motionless at the bottom of the tank, in addition to normal sleep, there are likely to be health problems. Let's take a look at the bottom of the fish.

    2020-11-11 Fish sinking bottom motionless what is situation fish with ornamental
  • Koi disease symptoms, fish lying down at the bottom of the cylinder how to do-other diseases-koi disease and prevention

    Koi disease symptoms, fish lying down at the bottom of the cylinder how to do-other diseases-koi disease and prevention

    Brocade carp is a kind of large ornamental fish, and there are many kinds of brocade carp. It has the laudatory name of "living jewel in water" and "art that can swim". And because they do not have such high requirements for water quality, they are very popular. But in.

  • How to kill black fish?

    How to kill black fish?

    First wash the sand or dust from the black fish, then hold down the fish with the left hand, and hit the head of the fish with the right hand with the back of the knife to make it unconscious. Put the fish in the sink and scrape the scales off, then dig off the gills, cut open the fish belly with a knife, remove the internal organs, and finally use water.

    2020-11-11 Black fish how kill first will black body sediment or
  • How to raise hexagonal arowana? Guide to raising hexagonal arowana

    How to raise hexagonal arowana? Guide to raising hexagonal arowana

    Hexagonal arowana is a popular pet fish in recent years, with six small horns on its head, so it is called hexagonal arowana. The colors of this kind of fish are pink and dark gray. They look very cute. Therefore, it is very popular with pet fish lovers.

    2020-11-11 Hexagonal arowana how raise guide hexagonal yes
  • Common ways of fish culture in cages

    Common ways of fish culture in cages

    Common ways of fish culture in cages

  • The cultivation method of perch fry in the culture of perch

    The cultivation method of perch fry in the culture of perch

    The fry of sea bass can be cultivated in ponds, cement ponds, fiberglass sinks, canvas sinks or in cages. There are many people who breed perch in our country, because the perch has few thorns, so it is deeply liked by people. Cultivation of perch fry for culturing perch

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture sea bass fish fry culture mode
  • How to judge the weight of floating head of fish

    How to judge the weight of floating head of fish

    The weight of the floating head of a fish is mainly judged by the time when the fish began to float, the location of the floating head, the size of the surface of the floating head and the species of the floating head fish. 1. Dark floating head. Usually occurs when it is already dawn but the sun has not yet come out, when the fish move in the middle of the pond and on the surface of the wind, you can see bursts of spray. At this time, the dissolved oxygen in the pond water body is 2-3 mg / L, which is a normal floating head. two。 Light floating head. It often happens at dawn, when the fish are in the middle of the pond and on the surface of the wind, and the wild fish are at the edge of the pond.

  • Why should the water of crucian carp be salted?

    Why should the water of crucian carp be salted?

    The addition of crude salt or special salt to the water can play many roles, such as increasing the concentration of ions in the water to make the suspended matter sink to the bottom of the water, purifying the water body, balancing the osmotic pressure, alleviating the adverse reactions caused by the fish in the new environment, and replenishing salt to the wound.

    2020-11-08 Raise crucian carp fish water why put salt in water add crude salt
  • How to catch silver carp

    How to catch silver carp

    Silver carp is one of the four major domestic fish, which is very common in all major river systems in China. Many fishing enthusiasts will choose to fish silver carp, so how to fish silver carp? Fishing season every year 4Mui-October is the season for silver carp fishing, and midsummer is the golden season, with hot summer

    2020-11-11 Silver carp how fishing silver carp yes four everyone fish one in
  • How to raise hexagonal dinosaurs?

    How to raise hexagonal dinosaurs?

    How to raise hexagonal dinosaurs?

  • What kind of nest should I use to catch grass carp?

    What kind of nest should I use to catch grass carp?

    What kind of nest should I use to catch grass carp?

  • What bait is used to catch silver carp?

    What bait is used to catch silver carp?

    Silver carp, one of the four famous domestic fish, mainly lives in the middle and upper layers of the water body. Silver carp and bighead carp are typical freshwater filter-feeding fish. So, what kind of bait is better to catch silver carp? What do you need to pay attention to? What kind of bait is better for fishing silver carp?

    2020-11-11 Fishing silver carp with what bait yes famous four
  • What are the common methods of grass carp fishing?

    What are the common methods of grass carp fishing?

    What are the common methods of grass carp fishing?

  • Release technology of silverfish in reservoir

    Release technology of silverfish in reservoir

    As far as possible, the choice of release site is in the reservoir bay with a certain distance from the shore, a water depth of about 2 meters, and rich in small-scale bait organisms such as hard sediment or gravel bottom and insects, and several delivery sites should be selected at the same time to avoid failure caused by improper delivery of one point. Fish egg delivery method when the fertilized eggs are transported to the destination, the nylon bag containing the fertilized eggs is first put into the water. When the water temperature in the bag is basically the same as the water temperature in the reservoir (the temperature difference is less than 3 ℃), the fertilized eggs are dispersed into the water slowly and evenly, and each input point should have a certain standard.

  • Clean shrimp

    Clean shrimp

    Scientific name: Lysmataamboinensis Origin: Pacific Water temperature: 20: 26 ℃ Food: omnivorous temperament: mild software suitability: suitable body length: 6cm breeding difficulty: a simple shrimp known for cleaning with feeding parasites on the surface of fish. Even if they just put their hands in the sink, they will approach and cleverly clean with their tiny scissors. This kind of shrimp is also right.

  • Common diseases and prevention of salmon and trout

    Common diseases and prevention of salmon and trout

    Salmon and trout are the main cold-water fishes in the world, which are generally cultured in intensive and intensive way, so all kinds of fish diseases are easy to prevail, including viral fish disease, bacterial and fungal fish disease and parasitic fish disease. 1. Viral diseases. The pathogen of infectious pancreatic necrosis is infectious pancreatic necrosis virus. Vertical transmission: eggs and semen of infected parent fish; horizontal transmission: feces, urine and secretions of diseased fish bring the virus into the water

  • How to grow water lilies in fish ponds? What if the leaves turn black?

    How to grow water lilies in fish ponds? What if the leaves turn black?

    In recent years, many friends who have fish ponds at home will choose to grow water lilies at home, but many people do not know how to grow water lilies in fish ponds. What if the leaves turn black? How to grow water lilies in fish ponds?

  • How to manage parent fish bait?

    How to manage parent fish bait?

    1. The feeding of parent fish directly affects the gonadal development, the quality of eggs and the survival rate of larvae. The bait of parent fish is generally chilled fish, mackerel and oysters, large sand silkworm, small sand silkworm, etc., of which the small sand silkworm is the best, because the small sand silkworm is suitable for the swallowing of large yellow croaker, and it will not die after sinking in the case of not eating it, which can reduce the pollution in the water. two。 When the parent fish is heated to about 20 ℃, the food intake should reach at least 3% of the body weight, and the feeding time is generally divided into 2 to 3 times a day according to the daily feeding situation.

  • Does fish have a heart?

    Does fish have a heart?

    Does fish have a heart?
